In the heart of the Alaskan wilderness, a man, Wyatt, awakens with no memory of his identity, armed with nothing but an empty journal dated 1898 and a mirror. His intrigue spikes when he spots a man hunting nearby, a man who mirrors his own image, barring the veil of a beard on his face. Following this doppelganger, Travis Barlow, home, Wyatt encounters a life eerily reminiscent of memories that don’t belong in this century—memories of his own family from the late 1800s.
As Wyatt ingratiates himself into Travis’s life, believing him to be his great-great-grandson, fragments of his past come rushing back. He’s convinced that he was frozen in time during the perilous Gold Rush era, and now, the enthralling quest for gold beckons once more. With dreams of unearthing hidden gold to endear himself to Travis’s family, especially his wife Callie whom Wyatt finds himself falling for, a dangerous obsession takes root, casting dark shadows over the Barlows and their quaint town.
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