Quick Tips For First Time Parents

From the moment you find out there is going to be a precious addition to your set, life takes a whole new prospective. Here is my first piece of advice, enjoy the moments together. Pregnancy is beautiful once you get pass the morning sickness and mood swings.

Like a magnet, our babies draw all of our attention and time before they are even born. It starts with doctor appointments, picking out names, getting their rooms ready and for some scouting out the best daycare in the area. Then when they are born, there are sleepless nights, feeding schedule, diaper rash, potty training and a whole lot more; hard to believe but meeting baby needs can quickly snowball into self neglect and spousal neglect.

A relationship like a baby needs to be nurture and pampered. Try getting together after baby is in bed for a movie or just to share a bowl of ice cream and catch up on your day. It is important to find time to spend with each other, even if it is only 30 minutes a day; we all need some attention no matter our age.

Mommy, take pride in how you look. It is so easy to fall into a routine of sweats and tees, this is especially true for stay at home moms like myself. There is never enough time in the day and before you know it you have to start dinner and hubby is on his way home. Try sprucing yourself up before your husband gets home. It is not only good for you but it is great for the relationship.

Make time for date night once a month, something to get you and hubby out of the house alone. I think this is one of the hardest for most first time parents, meanly because new mommies never want to leave their little ones with a babysitter not even for a minute. Hopefully, you have family in the area willing to help; baby will be fine without you for about 2 hours.

Daddy, remember mommy is still your number one girl, don’t take her for granted. Help out when you get home to give her a few moments to herself. Yes, I know you have been working all day but so have she; the difference is you get to leave work and she doesn’t. Trust me, giving your baby a bath, reading a book and taking over the last feeding will give you and your little one some much appreciated time together.

Unfortunately, our precious little bundles don’t come with a manual, but if they did, at the top of the list would be ‘Take Care of Self – Mom and Dad’.