Juggling Family and Cleanliness: My Top 10 Hacks for Keeping a Tidy Home

Life with a lively family is a delightful whirlwind of activities, laughter, and the occasional (or frequent) mess. Amidst the bustling daily routine, keeping a tidy home can sometimes feel like an impossible task. Between work, school, extracurricular activities, and everything else that comes with family life, it’s easy for clutter to pile up and cleaning to fall by the wayside. However, over the years, I’ve honed some hacks that have become my trusty arsenal in maintaining a tidy haven amidst the beautiful chaos.

Here are my top 10 hacks that have turned the tide in my favor:

1. Set a Cleaning Schedule: Creating a cleaning schedule is a game-changer. Assign specific tasks to each day of the week and involve the whole family in the process. This way, everyone knows what needs to be done, and the workload is divided.

Involve the Family: Cleaning has become a bonding activity; Saturday mornings work best for my family. With music blaring, we tackle chores together, turning mundane tasks into fun sessions.

2. Declutter Regularly: Clutter can quickly accumulate and make your home feel chaotic. With young children, the influx of toys is inevitable. I’ve made it a habit to sift through their toys every month, discarding broken ones and donating those they’ve outgrown. Every time a new toy enters our realm, an old one finds a new home. It’s a practical way to keep clutter at bay and teach the kids the value of organization and charity.

3. Use Storage Solutions: Invest in storage solutions that help you keep things organized. Utilize baskets, bins, and shelves to store toys, books, and other items. Labeling containers can also make it easier for everyone to find what they need.

4. Embrace Robotic Vacuum Cleaners: Our robotic vacuum cleaner has become the unsung hero, tirelessly cleaning up after the kids and even the adults with a quiet zeal.

Let technology lend a hand. Robotic vacuum cleaners like the TP-Link Tapo Robotic Vacuum and Mop Combo Cleaner (RV10) or the IRobot Roomba J7 are a boon for busy families, keeping the floors clean with minimal effort.

5. Schedule Deep Cleaning: Set aside time for deep cleaning tasks like dusting, mopping, and scrubbing bathrooms. A weekly or bi-weekly schedule works wonders.

Enlist Help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Whether it’s your partner, older children, or even hiring a cleaning service occasionally, sharing the workload can make a big difference.

6. Create Cleaning Caddies: Make cleaning more efficient by creating cleaning kits for each room. Fill them with the necessary supplies, such as microfiber cloths, all-purpose cleaners, and sponges. This way, you won’t waste time searching for cleaning products.

Having a portable cleaning caddy stocked with essential supplies makes it easier to tackle messes as they happen.

Use Disposable Wipes: Disposable wipes are a quick fix for unexpected spills, especially when the little ones decide to turn the living room into a canvas.

7. Implement a ‘No Shoes’ Policy: A quaint little basket by the door serves as a reminder for family and friends to leave their shoes at the door. It not only keeps our home cleaner but also is a cute addition to our entryway decor. Our stairway, free from the onslaught of shoe dirt, indeed breathes a sigh of relief.

8. Stay Ahead of Laundry: With a big family, laundry is a never-ending saga. However, a little research led me to discover the low-rate hours for electricity in our area. Now, I schedule at least two loads of laundry during those hours, easing the load on both our laundry basket and the electric bill.

9. Tackle One Room at a Time: Trying to clean the entire house in one go can be overwhelming. Instead, focus on one room at a time. Set a timer for 15-20 minutes and see how much you can accomplish. Breaking it down into smaller tasks makes it more manageable.

10. Establish Daily Habits: Incorporate small cleaning habits into your daily routine. For example, make it a habit to wipe down kitchen counters after cooking or to do a quick tidy-up before bedtime. These small actions can prevent messes from piling up.

Routines: Daily cleaning routines, like a morning sweep and an evening tidy-up, are now as ingrained in our day as our breakfast chatter.

These hacks, honed over time, have made the daunting task of keeping a tidy home amidst a lively family not only achievable but enjoyable. They’ve eased the load of household chores, leaving more time for the heartwarming chaos and sweet moments that make a house a home. Through trial and error, with a sprinkle of creativity, maintaining a clean and joyful home has become less of a chore and more of a fulfilling journey.

Remember to Be Kind to Yourself: maintaining a tidy home is not about perfection. It’s about creating a comfortable and organized space for your family to enjoy. Cut yourself some slack and prioritize what truly matters.